How to Raise Money on Push Notifications and why PEERCLICK is a Must

Mr. Smith
6 min readFeb 1, 2019


Affiliate marketers can reach their audience using many different channels. Nevertheless, there is one allowing them to effectively re-engage users with customized content in real time — push notifications. Do you remember how native advertising broke into the world of affiliate marketing a few years ago? Well, push notifications have just as easily up and now are rapidly growing in popularity as a new but effective traffic source option for affiliate marketers.

What are they and how do they work

Push notifications in simple words are clickable messages, which can reach out to your users on their browsers or mobiles, even when they are not active on your website/app at that moment.

Here’s an example of how mobile push notifications can look on your client’s device:

When users land on a site with push notification functionality (ie. landing page), they are prompted by a message bubble to decide whether they’d like to receive notifications from that site in the future. If the answer is positive, they’re giving that site permission to send them messages which will alert them of news, promotions, etc.. In other words, those messages are “pushed” by the site to every user who opted-in and typically are comprised of an image, copy, and a link to site or page (in general all items that you’ll be able to customize in whatever platform you’re using).

What are the main advantages of push notifications

• A universal ad format that works with any type of products, services and CPA offers,

• No bots, since it’s hard to imitate push-notification behaviour and format is relatively new, so you’ll get a human traffic,

• Content-independent format. Pushes are shown up during the day, not while user is browsing something. So you don’t need to target them too much for now,

• CPC model with rather low rates (0.04–0.1 CPC). You pay for clicks only, not for actual impressions,

• High ROI and conversion rate. Since its new native format, people are OK with it for now. That generates ROI up to 114%,

• Cheaper conversions than from Facebook and Google. Again because there is a lot of supply for now and there is not so much competition,

• No adblockers.

How to write an effective push notification that really converts

A lot of the engagement magic lies in the actual contents of a push notification. The latest research has shown that good creative campaigns are 11 times more successful in delivering ROI.

Here are a few quick handy tips for creating top-performing push campaigns:

1. Get creative

Focus on the copy (text content) and the design (the image that accompanies the copy). Keeping the following in mind while drafting push notifications can help achieve the sweet spot for your notifications:

• Intrigue: Does the creative grasp the users’ attention and stand out from the rest of the noise?

• Decisive: Does the creative evoke an emotion and invoke the user to think deeper about something that really matters?

• Simplicity: How crisp and targeted is the creative message? Is it as short as possible but still understandable?

2. Right tone

Write the message in a manner that strikes a conversation. Keep your users hooked with catchy one-liners and calls to action. Determine the right type of push notifications that works the best for your business. Use simple and direct language. The message should easily convey what the notification is about. Tell the readers how they will benefit if they click the message.

3. Massage length

Messages that are brief and succinct get the job done better than lengthy phrases which users might tune out. You can add relevant emojis to give your notification an extra appeal.

4. Personalization

Make your subscribers feel important by sending them push notifications based on their interest. Start by segmenting your users into different parameters. Send relevant messages to the targeted audience and increase click rate, traffic, and engagement for your desired landing pages.

5. FOMO and action-oriented messages

Order now… Shop now… Buy soon…

Can one word change the way you feel about something? The answer is definitely “Yes”.

Create a sense of urgency by tempting users to click the notifications related to certain actions. Clearly convey what the users should do next if they intend to get a discount from your website or download a report that you’ve published. An action-oriented message prompts users to take action. This gets more responses and conversions compared to a normal message.

6. Do not push your users

Sending too many, untimely notifications can result in push notification spam causing user backlash or even large-scale app uninstalls. Schedule your notifications to get delivered according to your subscribers’ time zones. Timing is critical regardless of your content.

What else is important

So push notifications can drive greater user engagements. But if you want to take the best from your push campaign you definitely need tracking software. Why is it crucial? The answer is obvious.

A lot of marketers overlook this fundamental element of any marketing campaign (not only push campaign), thinking it is frivolous. That’s a mistake. Indeed, push notifications can help increase user engagement, while tracking the performance of different types of notifications helps in determining how your users are reacting or interacting with your push notifications, it actually helps businesses to allot resources towards the right type of push notifications. It also gives an optimal frequency at which notifications are to be sent. Following this practice keeps any negative impact on your user experience at bay.

Tracker tool for traffic arbitrage is an essential thing for campaign optimization. It’s something that helps you to get the highest possible profit in the niche you work in. The main idea is to understand how efficient your ads are and that’s what this tool is able to offer.

So the tracker is a must. The more you know about your campaigns, your audience — the better. There are many solutions for tracking in affiliate marketing you can find on the web. Still, not many of them meet the needs of marketers. Actually, it might be rather difficult to find a decent variant. You need to try a lot of them, before finding the best one.

To make your life simpler, I’ll tell you about my favourite tracker — PEERCLICK, which is considered by many to be the best in the industry, gained much recognition as a performance tracking solution. Despite the fact that the service was created in 2017, it already had become popular among webmasters and affiliates. Due to SmartFlow technology, the system is able to handle any volumes of data. A wide range of universal tools makes PEERCLICK perfect for collecting, analyzing and evaluating information.


If you want to get ahead you should understand that:

1. Push notifications can be your secret weapon in affiliate marketing — they are a super effective way to get people to a landing page,

2. In order to create top-performing push campaigns you should take into consideration such things as creativity, message tone and length, personalization, FOMO,

3. If you want to optimize your campaign and get the highest possible profit — use tracker software. If you want to get the best tracking solution — try PEERCLICK.

Push your marketing to the next level!



Mr. Smith

Affiliate marketing advice & case studies to help you market ethically, authentically, and efficiently.