PEERCLICK : Dating Affiliate: Is It Worth Getting In That Vertical?
Some claimed dating is dead and there is no money anymore. But what if they just don’t know how to cook this dish? What if I tell you that dating is one of the huge markets, with lots of scope and opportunity to earn? In this article, we research the online dating industry. We examine where the value lies.
In terms of users, nearly 300 million people around the world used online dating in 2018. Watchers expect this number to continue growing as well. Moreover, the market penetration in each of the leading countries is relatively low. Therefore, there is enormous potential for revenue generation within this vertical. That’s because more and more people are growing up with online dating being the norm. Online dating, then, is an international trend. As a matter of fact, this is the key to your success as a dating affiliate.
Pros of dating affiliate marketing
· Growing market: more and more people are meeting their partners online. And the online dating market itself looks like it is going to keep on growing.
· Lots of competition for dating sites: it’s a huge opportunity for affiliates because the high levels of competition for dating sites means that emerging sites offer huge rewards for people who can send traffic their way.
· Lots of niches: there are a lot of different directions that you can take a dating site. A lot of these have great potential to grow outside of dating alone.
Choosing dating offers
Ok, you decide to start working with dating vertical. Let’s start with choosing the right offer.
Some networks have their own dating products, like Cpamatica does. It is a really good way to work, because you will have unique conditions, and fast response for offers like Spdate, Kismia, Hitwe, VictoriaBrides.
You can also use another way — research, research, research! For this decide what country you are interested in. After that go to main dating sites of the country. And it’s your job to take a look what ads are placed there and what offers they are promoting. Furthermore, select a couple of offers with the same target audience and try to find them in Offervault, paying attention to the type of traffic (mobile/desk, SOI/DOI etc.), GEO, payouts and networks that work with it.
Where to find dating traffic
It’d be a good idea to look at various dating sites, forums and blogs about relationships. If you know how to use Exoclick, Traffic Stars, Traffic Junky, Reporo properly, you can find a lot of traffic there. Those sources have adult traffic offers listed, and these offers are generally good at yielding nice results for you.
CPS or CPA model
This question might arise. And the answer is definitely CPA. Why? Simply because you can’t be responsible for the whole sales funnel in dating. Yes, on traffic sources you buy only impressions, while in case of the CPS model you depend on the quality of the product.
But that doesn’t mean that you should blow off CPS. Actually it could be a great option when you already know the advertiser’s flow, their ability to monetize their users and they DO like the quality of your traffic.
Direct link or landing page
And here we have an unambiguous answer: in 99% of cases landing pages are the must. Sending traffic directly to the dating offers will most likely result in poor numbers. The explanation of this fact is also very simple: direct link don’t motivate user to go further and subscribe/register. They just lead you to a register form and that’s it. Whereas landing pages are much more efficient. You can make a small survey for a user or just intrigue him with tricky questions that will make him sure that he needs to register there. Yes, creating pages takes some time, but it’s worth it.
By the way, make sure your landing page has a simple registration form, since it does affect the CTRs significantly. Never mislead your users. If you have Asian women on your banners, make sure there are Asian women also on the landing page and on the offer itself. And don’t promise everything for FREE.
Setting up a successful campaign
You should keep these points in mind if you want to succeed:
Creatives: bear in mind that in this business clients buy with EYES. Dating is a “VISUAL” vertical. Hence attractive but real looking females will work best for any creative materials (Russian and Asian ladies in particular). The keyword here is REAL. Just remember, super models will do you no good, most man don’t feel secure enough to reach out to the hottest girls.
And, by the way, good news is that dating campaigns have a long lifespan, so you don’t need to change your creatives very often.
Target audience: when designing creatives, keep your target audience in mind; the better way to go would be to work with a mature dating niche, ’cause the majority of dating audience are male after their 30’s.
GEO: if you are not experienced enough don’t try your luck at Tier-1 because these countries have always been very competitive. Generally speaking, this is a universal advice, not just for dating offers. This is due to the fact that most affiliates are more comfortable with promoting in English-speaking countries and because payouts are higher there. For a newbie a good idea is to try Asia or Latam countries.
Testing and campaign optimization: this is also a universal advice. I hope you understand that if you want to make money, you should know EXACTLY what in your campaign works for you and what against. Tracking and testing is the only way to fine tune your campaign into a smooth running, money making machine. You need to test a lot of various offers from a range of advertisers, creatives, GEOs and so on. Keep your tabs on the stats and optimize your campaign along the way.
For proper tracking you need an AD-tracking solution. For better or for worse here, there are as many affiliate tracking platforms as stars in the sky (well, almost). The problem is that choosing the “right” affiliate tracking solution is easier said than done. Well, all I can advise is to try different platforms and choose one that you like the most. For me PeerClick is the best tracking software because of a lot of useful features at a reasonable price. It is really the most up-to-date tracker technology on the market today.
Uh, you can blame me for focusing too much on campaign optimization. But what I want you to put in your mind — no campaign (not only dating) can generate profit without proper tracking.
So dating vertical is really worth trying. But keep in mind that it is a highly competent vertical and here you should act wisely. For example, don’t try to start with launching a campaign for Tier-1 GEO locations, having very limited experience with the adult affiliate marketing niche space. Don’t forget that in this business clients buy with EYES. And be wise enough to track your campaign. Anyway, learn and get your own experience. Don’t limit your opportunities and get the most of what you have!
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